Interregnum Pre-credit Screening of “27 Dresses” Successful

Interregnum Committee Chair, Micah Long, was happy to announce that the pre-credit screening of “27 Dresses” was successful. Interregnum pre-credit is a way for students to avoid spending their Saturday watching the smart people in their house have fun. Thankfully, there was a Zoom option that allowed people to get credit without watching the movie. Despite this, “27 Dresses” was an overwhelming triumph for the committee.

Students “watching” the pre-credit event via Zoom.

The movie depicts a love story in which the main character, Jane, is secretly in love with the man her sister, Tess, is engaged to marry. Throughout the story, Jane must reconcile herself with Tess as she attempts to break her sister’s marriage up in a selfish and adulterous manner. Micah Long was a big fan of the movie, “The entire movie is a deep story about two sisters selfishly in love with the same disinteresting man. Through their unrealistic and unhealthy love for Kevin, Jane and Tess realize there is something much more important: getting what they want, and they go to great lengths for that.”

Over 100 students “attended” the movie via Zoom but only 10 watched the movie in person, 6 six of whom are on the Interregnum Committee. There is only one other Interregnum pre-credit event before the festivities start this weekend, a screening of “You’ve Got Mail” Tuesday night.
