“Day Away” Renamed “Afternoon, Very Close By”

After backlash from the student body for what many believed to be false advertising, “Day Away” has been officially renamed, “Afternoon, Very Close By.”

Yonka looking normal.

Yonka Jeriba, a sophomore MCA major, described her experience with what was called “Day Away,” “I was really excited about ‘Day Away!’ I couldn’t wait to go with my friends and spend some meaningful time with my friends somewhere far from the city. And Governor’s Island sounded so romantic. I’m a huge fan of the governor. Anyway, when I found out that the island is 100 yards away from the school and I have literally been looking at it all year from my apartment in West, I threw up and started tweeting.”

Tayrn Cohn, Student Director of Communications, defended both the event and the renaming, “we are proud of the work we’ve done for this event. I don’t think most people realize how hard it is to get people on a ferry and then tell them to wander around for a couple of hours. Besides, the name now better describes the day for those who might want to do something else, like go to the dozens of even better parks in the city and actually get away for a bit.”

Map showing close the two places actually are.

When asked about the change, Deen Leedy, appeared to not have been informed, “Did the change cost us any money? No? Okay then, sounds good to me. We are just so proud to see student volunteers stepping up to do the work of paid staff again, again, and again at The King’s College. This is preparing them for the real world where they’ll have to do hundreds of hours of unpaid work for their employers. This kind of leadership makes me so happy.”
